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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Recruitment of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic Doctor for RBSK under NRHM

NRHM Gujarat
1984 posts of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic doctor to be filled by NRHM Gujarat.Out of total 1984 vacancies of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic doctor , 992 posts are meant for female doctors and 992 posts are meant for male doctors.
Qualification for Homeopathic doctor: BHMS Degree from colleges recognized by Homeopathy council of Gujarat and must be registered with Homeopathy Council of Gujarat
Age must not be more than 40 year as on 15/08/2013. Successful candidate will be posted at Taluka level as per the choice and merit list. This opening is purely contractual basis. Last Date for Online Application : 21-Sept-2013 7:00 PM
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) : N ew initiative of School Health Programme and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram in the State, a Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services Programme to provide comprehensive care to all the children. The objective of this ini tiative is to improve the overall quality of life of children through early detection of birth Defects, Diseases, De fi ciencies, Development Delays and Disability.

Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services envisage to cover 30 identi fi ed health conditions for early detection, free treatment and management through dedicated mobile health teams placed in every Taluka / C orporation in the State . The teams will carry out screening of children at least twice a year, whereas the newborns will be screened for birth defects in health facilities by service providers and during the home visits by these teams and ASHAs. 
District Early Intervention Centers are planned to be set up as first referral point for further investigation, treatment and management. Tertiary care centre would be roped in for management of complicated cases requiring high - end medical care and treatment. This herculean effort is ultimately targeted to benefit more than 1.5 crore children annually
Notice here: http://rbskrecruit.ncode.in/healthrms/index.html
Online application: http://rbskrecruit.ncode.in/healthrms/JobApplication/OnlineApplication.aspx
Instruction to fill: http://rbskrecruit.ncode.in/healthrms/Instructions.htm
Terms and condition: http://rbskrecruit.ncode.in/healthrms/TermsCondition.htm


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